Washbag Siret

Be stylish visiting gym, sauna or spaa.

Moistureproof and fits easily into your gym bag


1 in stock

Siret 401-6. 1 in stock / .

Spaabag Siret is comfortable to take with you to gym, spaa, sauna or swimming pool. Bag is made from special PVC material, what makes it moistureproof.

  • can fit  easily your shampoo, shower gel and sponge
  • use handstrap to hang it on shower room
  • does not take vey much room on your gym bag

Siret is made in principle of upcycling- between two PVC layers we are using different fabric and lace leftovers.


De la Rose bags are all unique items and made 100% as handmade in Estonia

Measurements:  bottom lenght 21cm x  bottom width 11 cm, height 17/20 cm , zipper on top wide 25 cm

Material: 100% PVC, moistureproof material

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 9 × 16 cm



Kangajääkide uuskasutus: pitsiline efektkangas, niiskuskindel PVC materjal 100%PE peal ja sees